"Die Kruger 100" Charity Challenge
"Doing Nothing is Not an Option"
The Horror's of Poaching
Rhino in Danger!!
The Rhino War..
South Africa is facing a war against Rhino. Currently we are losing an average of one Rhino every 21 hours! This species can not survive such a kill rate. If nothing is done to stop the continuous slaughter we will lose our entire population of both black and white rhino.
The ways animals are slaughtered is horrible! They are usually killed with a gun or rifle, then the horn is cut, and rarely other body parts are taken off.
Other poachers use anesthetics, and the animal wakes up in terrible pain without its horns!
Another technique is to use wire cables, then the big herbivore struggles to death in agony.
Most of the time when there is a female with her baby, only the mother is killed, leaving the orphan without a source of food and protection. By shooting a female it’s not only one animal which is killed, but also all the calves that she would have had during her life.
Photo's courtesy of the valiant team at RHINO TASK to whom deal with these horror's on a daily basis and wothout their efforts and tireless hard work it would be even worse...................